H&R Elite Trucking Academy

Non-Discrimination Policy

Diversity and Inclusion

H&R Elite Trucking Academy LLC. encourages diversity and accepts applications from all minorities. H&R Elite Trucking Academy LLC. does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any 10 sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability. H&R Elite Trucking Academy LLC. acknowledges that information pertaining an applicant’s disability is voluntary and confidential and will be made on an individual basis. If this information is presented, H&R Elite Trucking Academy LLC. will reasonably attempt to provide an accommodation to overcome the effects of the limitation of the qualified applicant. All inquiries about accommodations should be made to the admissions administrator upon registration of the program. To be qualified, an individual with a disability must meet the basic skill, education, training and other eligibility requirements of the relevant job or vocational program and must be able to perform the essential functions of the relevant job or vocational program, either with or without reasonable accommodation; the employment and academic standards are the same for all individuals enrolled.

Religious Accommodations

H&R Elite Trucking Academy LLC. will make good faith efforts to provide reasonable religious accommodations to students who have sincerely held religious practices or beliefs that conflict with a scheduled course/program requirement. Students requesting a religious accommodation should make the request, in writing, directly to their instructor with as much advance notice as possible. Being absent from class or other educational responsibilities does not excuse students from keeping up with any information shared or expectations set during the missed class. Students are responsible for obtaining materials and information provided during any class missed. The student shall work with the instructor to determine a schedule for making up missed work.

Examples of religious accommodations may include rescheduling of an exam or giving a make-up exam for the student in question; altering the time of a student’s presentation; allowing extra-credit assignments to substitute for missed class work or arranging for an increased flexibility in assignment due dates; and releasing a graduate assistant from teaching or research responsibilities on a given day.